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Book - "Equine Laminitis"
$25.00 USD
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By Jenny Edwards & Paige Poss APF

This comprehensive equine laminitis book will enable you to discover the vital information you need to know to help your horse on the road to recovery.

This is THE reference book for all farriers and horse owners who are struggling to help their horses to recover from the devastating effects of laminitis and founder.

Written in clear, simple language that is easy to understand and implement for both beginners and experienced horse people alike.

It will guide you through the issues related to the laminitis and give you practical ways to prevent, treat and manage the laminitic equine using safe and effective, natural methods.

As a hoof care professional, I come across laminitis and founder on a frequent basis. I understand from both first-hand experience with my own horse and through witnessing my client's distress, just how scary it can be to find out your horse has laminitis. 

It can be overwhelming to try and take it all in when you see your horse in so much pain especially when you get conflicting advice from so many different sources.

Whilst there are lots of great online resources for laminitis, it can be time consuming to try and pull all that information together to come up with a workable solution for your horse. 

That is why I decided to write this book - to give you the information you need to make the right decisions and get your horse on the road to recovery as soon as possible.

Based on years' of experience and education it is a comprehensive resource for understanding laminitis and founder.

  • Learn the causes of laminitis and how you can prevent further attacks
  • Learn how to recognize the early signs and symptoms so that you stop it before serious damage occurs
  • Learn how to manage pain without inhibiting the healing process
  • Learn about the anatomy of the hoof and why hoof care is so important in combating this condition
  • Learn how to assess whether your hoof care professional understands the dynamics of restoring a foundered hoof back to health
  • Learn how best to feed your horse so as to halt the progression of laminitis
  • Learn practical ways to manage your horse's care so as to avoid future problems
  • Learn about the safest medical tests available to properly diagnose the cause of the laminitis
  • Learn how to make emergency hoof boots via step-by-step photos and instructions

Prices include shipping.

If purchaser is an IAPF member, they will earn one (1) IAPF Continuing Education credit when purchasing this book.

Product Details:
  • 37 pages
  • Language:  English
  • Product Dimensions:  8.5 x 5.5 x 0.25 inches
  • Shipping Weight:  4 ounces
  • Publisher:  Anatomy of the Equine
